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WYNTER HOUSE DESIGNS is a full-service Residential Design firm specializing in the renovation of intown homes.


We have the tools and the trades in place to work through ideas both large and small to create beautiful, functional spaces.

Let us do all the heavy lifting while you simply enjoy the process.

We'll take you from conception to completion with care and thoughtful attention to all the details in between.

No matter the size of your project, reach out to us. Afterall, we believe that dreams are meant to be lived!



While WHD can manage your entire project, start to finish, we also understand that not everyone needs full service.

We can work with you in a few different ways to make your design dreams a reality.


All designs begin with a signature WHD "Quick Call" where we get to know one another and discuss your project goals and ideas.


Not sure where to start?

Let's chat and talk about your goals. Once we have a better idea of where we want to go we can decide how to get there together. 


Can't figure out the right furniture arrangement?

We can walk through your home and shuffle things about. 

Not sure about colors? We've got lots of suggestions!

Need something customized to suit your style and don't have a source to get it done? Ask away- we know someone! 


Think BIG picture.


You want your entire home to be beautifully designed but know that you will likely execute items in phases... we've got you covered!

We can plan out all of your spaces, collectively and cohesively packaged for you to implement whenever you are ready.


Have some funds now, but not enough to cover the whole project scope? We'll use our unique foresight to map out attainable renovations for now and later avoiding costly mistakes and re-dos.



Slow and Steady.


We believe that any progress is progress. So, pick a space and let us transform it for you!


Central space in your home needs a major overhaul?

Great! Let's get busy setting the updated tone for your home. 

Have a small space, or a few small spaces, that need some TLC?

We can bring them up to par!


Our expertise; your execution.


This is an excellent choice for a number of reasons.

If you are willing to measure, shop, and coordinate installation yourself we can provide the rest!


Are you hands on? Live far away? Have limited funds?

Maybe you just want a road map to set you on the right path... look no further!


Visualize in 3D.


Design plans hold LOTS of information and as we have found, most people digest it best in a visual format. Que the Renders!

Simply put, a rendering is a technical drawing that elevates plans to 3D. It layers in realistic attributes such as objects, colors, textures, materials, light, etc. and conveys the design intention.

It is a valuable tool for clients, designers, and trades alike.


Are you left brained? We're righty's, but we get it.

Not everyone has the ability to 'see' what is not there- yet.


Not sure if you want light floors or dark ones?

Let us show you both for comparison. YEAH!


Final touches make ALL the difference!

Let us highlight your beautiful spaces by pulling everything together.

Need help warming up an everyday room with just the right accessories? Look no further, it's one of our specialties. 

Want to showcase your personal style with art and lighting selections? Let us find a showstopper for you!


Hosting an event? We love that sort of thing! Let us set the backdrop for your special memories. 

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